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padding: 0; } .breadcrumb.breadcrumb1 > li { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: 300; } .breadcrumb.breadcrumb1 li a { color: #08cae2; } .breadcrumb.breadcrumb1 > .active,.breadcrumb.breadcrumb1 li a:hover{ color: #000; } .breadcrumb.breadcrumb1 > li + li:before { content: "\f101"; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome; color: #464646; padding: 0 8px; } .product-top { background: #08cae2; padding: 1em 2em; } .product-top li.dropdown{ display: inline-block; float: right; margin-left: 2em; } .product-top h4 { font-size: 1.3em; color: #fff; float: left; } .product-top ul li a.dropdown-toggle { color: #fff; padding: 1.2em 0; } .product-top ul li a span.caret { margin-left: 8px; } .product-top ul.dropdown-menu { margin-top: 11px; border-color: #bbb; min-width: 120px; } .product-grids { margin-top: 0.5em; line-height:14px; height:28px; } .product-grids2 { margin-top: 0.5em; line-height:14px; } .agile-product-text { background: #08cae2; padding: 1.5em 2em; text-align: center; } .agile-product-text.agile-product-text2 { background: #fd463e; } .agile-product-text h5 { font-size: 1.5em; text-transform: capitalize; color: #fff; letter-spacing: 6px; } /*-- //team --*/ .jarallax { position: relative; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; } .team-heading h3{ color:#999; } /* entire container, keeps perspective */ .flip-container { perspective: 1000px; transform-style: preserve-3d; } /* UPDATED! flip the pane when hovered */ .flip-container:hover .back { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0deg); -moz-transform: rotateY(0deg); -o-transform: rotateY(0deg); -ms-transform: rotateY(0deg); transform: rotateY(0deg); } .flip-container:hover .front { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg); -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg); -o-transform: rotateY(180deg); -ms-transform: rotateY(180deg); transform: rotateY(180deg); } .flip-container, .back { width: 100%; height: 235px; } .flip-container.flip-container1, .flip-container1 .back { /* height: 329px;*/ height: 475px; } /* flip speed goes here */ .flipper { transition: 0.6s; transform-style: preserve-3d; position: relative; } /* hide back of pane during swap */ .front, .back { backface-visibility: hidden; transition: 0.6s; transform-style: preserve-3d; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } /* UPDATED! front pane, placed above back */ .front { z-index: 2; background:#963929; /*padding:2em;*/ text-align: center; -webkit-transform: rotateY(0deg); -moz-transform: rotateY(0deg); -o-transform: rotateY(0deg); -ms-transform: rotateY(0deg); transform: rotateY(0deg); } .front img{ width:100%; } /* back, initially hidden pane */ .back { -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg); -moz-transform: rotateY(-180deg); -o-transform: rotateY(-180deg); -ms-transform: rotateY(-180deg); transform: rotateY(-180deg); background: #fd463e; padding:2em; text-align: center; } /* Some vertical flip updates */ .vertical.flip-container { position: relative; } .vertical .back { -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg); -o-transform: rotateX(180deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(180deg); transform: rotateX(180deg); } .vertical.flip-container:hover .back { -webkit-transform: rotateX(0deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(0deg); -o-transform: rotateX(0deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(0deg); transform: rotateX(0deg); } .vertical.flip-container:hover .front { -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg); -o-transform: rotateX(180deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(180deg); transform: rotateX(180deg); } .front h4 { color: #fff; font-size: 1.4em; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 4px; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .front p { margin: 0.8em 0; color: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.35); padding-bottom: 0.5em; } .front h6 { font-size: 3em; color: #fff; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .front h6 sup { font-size: .5em; top: -.8em; } .back h4 { color: #fff; font-size: 1.4em; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 4px; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .back p { margin: 0.8em 0; color: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.35); padding-bottom: 0.5em; } .back h6 { font-size: 3em; color: #fff; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .back h6 sup { font-size: .5em; top: -.8em; } /*-- //team --*/ /*-- cart-button --*/ .back form { margin-top: 0.5em; } .w3ls-cart { font-size: 1em; color: #fff; margin: 0; text-decoration: none; text-transform: capitalize; border: none; background: none; outline: none; -webkit-transition: .5s all; -moz-transition: .5s all; transition: .5s all; /*padding:5px 7px;*/ } .w3ls-cart i.fa { margin-right: 5px; } span.w3-agile-line { border-left: 1px solid #fff; margin: 0 1em; } .w3ls-cart:hover,.back a:hover { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 9px 2px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 9px 2px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -o-box-shadow: 0 0 9px 2px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -ms-box-shadow: 0 0 9px 2px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 9px 2px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); } .back a { font-size: 1em; color: #fff; padding: 4px 7px; display: inline-block; } /*-- //products-right --*/ /*-- products-left --*/ .rsidebar { display: block; float: left; width: 22%; padding:0; } .rsidebar-top { padding: 2em; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); } input.item_quantity { background: none; border: 1px solid #fff; padding: 0.8em 1em; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 1em; outline: none; color: #fff; } input.item_quantity:hover{ border-color: #000; } /*-- side-bar --*/ .sidebar-row { margin-top: 2em; } .rsidebar h4, .related-row h4 { font-size: 1.1em; color: #464646; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 400; margin-bottom: 1.2em; background: #eee; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; padding: 5px 10px; } .checkbox { position: relative; padding-left:27px !important; cursor: pointer; line-height: initial; font-size: 1em; color: #353F49; font-weight: 500; margin: 0 0 1.5em; } .checkbox i { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; display: block; width: 19px; height: 19px; outline: none; border: 2px solid #D8D8D8; background: #FFF; } .checkbox input + i:after{ position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.1s; -o-transition: opacity 0.1s; -ms-transition: opacity 0.1s; -moz-transition: opacity 0.1s; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.1s; } .checkbox input:checked + i:after{ opacity: 1; } .checkbox input{ position: absolute; left: -9999px; } .checkbox input + i:after { content: ""; background: url("images/tick.png") no-repeat 4px 3px; top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 17px; height: 17px; font: normal 12px/16px FontAwesome; text-align: center; } /*-- start scrollpane --*/ .sidebar-row .faq li a { color: #353F49; display: block; } .scroll-pane.jspScrollable { outline: none; } .jspContainer{ overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .jspPane{ position: absolute; outline: none; padding:5px 20px 10px 15px !important; width: inherit !important; } .jspVerticalBar{ position: absolute; top: 0; right:0px; width:3px; height: 100%; } .jspHorizontalBar{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 16px; background: red; } .jspCap{ display: none; } .jspHorizontalBar .jspCap{ float: left; } .jspTrack{ background: #B9B7B7; position: relative; } .jspDrag{ background: #08cae2; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; cursor: pointer; } .jspHorizontalBar .jspTrack,.jspHorizontalBar .jspDrag{ float: left; height: 100%; } .jspArrow{ background: #50506d; text-indent: -20000px; display: block; cursor: pointer; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .jspArrow.jspDisabled{ cursor: default; background: #80808d; } .jspVerticalBar .jspArrow{ height: 16px; } .jspHorizontalBar .jspArrow{ width: 16px; float: left; height: 100%; } .jspVerticalBar .jspArrow:focus{ outline: none; } .jspCorner{ background: #eeeef4; float: left; height: 100%; } .scroll-pane { height: 100px; } input#amount { outline: none; } /*-- faq --*/ .sidebar-row .faq li { margin-top: 0.6em; display: block; } .faq > li > a { width: 100%; display: inline; position: relative; color: #fff; font-size: 1em; font-weight: 400; text-decoration: none; } .faq > li > a:hover,.faq > li >a.active{ color: #000; } .faq li a.active span { -webkit-transform: rotatex(180deg); transform: rotatex(180deg); -moz-transform: rotatex(180deg); -o-transform: rotatex(180deg); -ms-transform: rotatex(180deg); } .faq ul li a { line-height: 1.8em; display: block; position: relative; font-size: 1em; color: #999; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 400; padding-left: 1.5em; } .faq ul li a:hover{ color: #ff590f; } .faq span.glyphicon { float: right; } /*-- //faq --*/ .related-row { padding: 2em; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); margin-top: 2em; } .related-row ul li{ display:inline-block; } .related-row ul li a { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 2px 5px; display: block; margin: 5px 0px; color: #999; font-size:1em; } .related-row ul li a:hover{ border-color:#08cae2; color: #08cae2; } .recommend { margin-top: 4em; } .w3agile-deals.prds-w3text { background-position: center; } .w3agile-deals.prds-w3text h5 { font-size: 3em; color: #fff; margin: 0 2em; text-align: center; line-height: 1.6em; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; font-weight: 200; letter-spacing: 8px; } /*-- //products-page --*/ /*-- cart icon --*/ .box_1 a { color:#3c43a4; font-size: 1em; margin: 0; } .total { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .box_1 a img { margin: 3px 0 0 0px; } .box_1 p { margin: 0; color: #999; font-size: 14px; } a.simpleCart_empty { color:#212121; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none; text-align: right; display: block; } .w3view-cart { background: none; border: none; text-align: center; outline: none; position: absolute; top: 30px; right: 1%; z-index: 999; } .w3view-cart i.fa { font-size: 2em; color: #090; vertical-align: middle; } /*-- cart-css --*/ #staplesbmincart form { position: relative; padding: 1em; background: #fbfbfb; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -o-border-radius: 4px; -ms-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; color: #333; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #9a9a9a; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #9a9a9a; -o-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #9a9a9a; -ms-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #9a9a9a; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #9a9a9a; } #staplesbmincart form ul { overflow-y: scroll; max-height: 300px; } #staplesbmincart { display: none; position: fixed; left: 68%; top:16.9%; width: 420px; } .sbmincart-showing #staplesbmincart { display: block; z-index: 9999; -webkit-animation: zoomIn .3s ease; -moz-animation: zoomIn .3s ease; -o-animation: zoomIn .3s ease; -ms-animation: zoomIn .3s ease; animation: zoomIn .3s ease; } #staplesbmincart form.sbmincart-empty { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;} #staplesbmincart ul { clear: both; float: left; width: 100%; margin: 5px 0 20px; padding: 1em; list-style-type: none; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-empty ul { display: none;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-closer { float: right; margin:-3px -10px 0; padding: 0 10px; background: 0; border: 0; font-size: 25px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; outline: none; } #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-item { clear: left; padding: 7px 0; min-height: 35px; font-size: 1em; } #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-item + .sbmincart-item { border-top: 1px solid #f2f2f2;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-item a { color: #333; text-decoration: none;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-details-name { float: left; width: 62%;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-details-quantity { float: left; width: 15%;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-details-remove { float: left; width: 7%;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-details-price { float: left; width: 16%; text-align: right;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-attributes { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: transparent; border: 0; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; color: #999; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px; overflow: inherit; height: inherit; } #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-attributes li { display: inline;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-attributes li:after { content: ",";} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-attributes li:last-child:after { content: "";} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-quantity { width: 30px; height: 18px; padding: 2px 4px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); font-size: 13px; text-align: right; transition: border linear 0.2s, box-shadow linear 0.2s; -webkit-transition: border linear 0.2s, box-shadow linear 0.2s; -moz-transition: border linear 0.2s, box-shadow linear 0.2s;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-quantity:hover { border-color: #0078C1;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-quantity:focus { border-color: #0078C1; outline: 0; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 3px rgba(0, 120, 193, 0.4);} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-remove { width: 18px; height: 19px; margin: 2px 0 0; padding: 0; background: #c71f1f; border: 1px solid #c71f1f; border-radius: 3px; color: #fff; font-size: 13px; opacity: 0.70; cursor: pointer;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-remove:hover { opacity: 1;} #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-footer { clear: left; text-align: center; margin-right: 0.5em; position: relative; } p.sbmincart-empty-text { color: #f44336; font-weight: 500; } #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-subtotal { bottom: 3px; padding-left: 0; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; display: block; text-align: left; } #staplesbmincart .sbmincart-submit { margin-right: 0px; padding: 0 4px; border: none; color: #fff; background: #009901; outline: none; font-size: 0.9em; font-weight: 700; position: absolute; text-transform: uppercase; right: 0; top: 0; } /* Let"s get this party started */ #staplesbmincart form ul::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; } /* Track */ #staplesbmincart form ul::-webkit-scrollbar-track { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #999; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #999; -o-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #999; -ms-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #999; box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #999; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px; -ms-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } /* Handle */ #staplesbmincart form ul::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px; -ms-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; background: #3c43a4; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #3c43a4; -o-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #3c43a4; -ms-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #3c43a4; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #3c43a4; box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px #3c43a4; } /*-- //cart-css --*/ /*-- modal --*/ .modal-dialog { width: 950px; } .modal-header { border: none; } .modal-dialog .close { font-size: 35px; outline: none; } .modal-body { padding-bottom: 2.5em; } .modal_body_left img { width: 100%; } .single-top-right h3 { text-transform: capitalize; font-size: 2em; color: #f44336; margin-bottom: .3em; } .single-top-right ul li { display: inline-block; margin-left: 3px; color: #08cae2; } .single-top-right ul li.w3act { color: #999; } .single-top-right { padding-left: 2em; } .single-rating { margin: 1.5em 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec; padding-bottom: 1.5em; } .single-top-right ul li.rating { margin: 0 1.5em; color: #999; font-size: 1em; } .single-top-right ul li a{ color: #999; } .single-top-right ul li a:hover{ color: #08cae2; } .single-price ul li { margin-right: 1em; font-size: 1em; color: #999; } .single-price ul li:nth-child(1) { font-size: 2.8em; font-weight: 300; margin-right: 0.5em; } .single-price ul li span.w3off { font-size: 1.5em; color: #08cae2; } .single-price.price ul li a { color: #f44336; } .single-price.price ul li a:hover{ color: #999; } p.single-price-text { margin: 1.5em 0; } .single-top-right form { display: inline; } .single-top-right .w3ls-cart { width: 28%; font-weight: 300; padding: 0.6em 0; border: 1px solid #08cae2; display: inline-block; background: #08cae2; } .single-top-right .w3ls-cart:hover { background: #fd463e; border-color: #fd463e; } .single-top-right .w3ls-cart i.fa { margin-right: 3px; } .single-top-right .w3ls-cart.w3ls-cart-like { margin-left: 1em; background: none; border: 1px solid #08cae2; color: #08cae2; text-align: center; } .single-top-right .w3ls-cart.w3ls-cart-like:hover{ background: #08cae2; color: #fff; } .single-page-icons.social-icons { margin: 3em 0 0; } .single-page-icons.social-icons ul li h4 { font-size: 1.1em; color: #999; margin-right: 1em; } .single-page-icons.social-icons ul li { vertical-align: middle; margin: 0; } /*-- //modal --*/ /*-- about --*/ .history h3.w3ls-title { font-size: 1.8em; margin: 2em 0 0.5em; text-align: left; } /*-- footer-top --*/ .ftr-top-left { float: left; } .ftr-top-right{ float: right; width: 72%; } .ftr-top-grids { margin-top: 4em; } .ftr-top-left i.fa { font-size: 2.5em; border: 1px solid; color: #176aff; width: 70px; height: 70px; text-align: center; line-height: 2; -webkit-transition:.5s all; -moz-transition:.5s all; -o-transition:.5s all; -ms-transition:.5s all; transition:.5s all; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -o-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; } .ftr-top-left i.fa.fa-user{ color: #00c57e; } .ftr-top-left i.fa.fa-thumbs-o-up{ color: #fb4602; } .ftr-top-right h4 { font-size: 1.4em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: #777; } .ftr-top-grids:hover i.fa { color: #999; } /*-- //about --*/ /*-- contact --*/ .contact-grid { background-color: #a67f44; padding: 3.5em; } .contact-row.agileits-w3layouts { background: #fff; position: absolute; width: 72%; z-index: 9; padding: 2em 1em; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -o-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -ms-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); } .contact-grid h4 { font-size: 2em; color: #fff; margin-bottom: 1em; font-weight: 100; } .contact input[type="text"], .contact input[type="email"], .contact textarea { width: 100%; color: #555; background: #fff; outline: none; font-size: 1em; padding: .8em 1em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; border: solid 1px #fff; -webkit-appearance: none; border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .contact textarea { resize: none; min-height: 12em; } .contact input[type="submit"] { outline: none; color: #fff; padding: .8em 4em; font-size: 1em; -webkit-appearance: none; background: #fd463e; border: solid 1px #fd463e; border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; transition: 0.5s all; -webkit-transition: 0.5s all; -o-transition: 0.5s all; -moz-transition: 0.5s all; -ms-transition: 0.5s all; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .contact input[type="submit"]:hover { background: none; color: #fff; border-color: #fff; } .contact ::-webkit-input-placeholder{ color:#555 !important; } .address-row { margin-top: 3em; } .contact-w3lsright h6 { font-size: 2em; color: #525252; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.8em; text-transform: uppercase; margin-top: 2em; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; } .contact-w3lsright h6 span { color: #fd463e; } .address-left { padding: 0; text-align: center; } .address-row span.glyphicon { font-size: 1.2em; border: 2px solid #aaa; padding: 1em; color: #fd463e; transition:.5s all; } .address-row:hover span.glyphicon { border-color: #fd463e; -webkit-transform: rotatey(360deg); -moz-transform: rotatey(360deg); transform: rotatey(360deg); -o-transform: rotatey(360deg); -ms-transform: rotatey(360deg); } .address-row h5 { font-size: 1.4em; color: #000; margin-bottom: .4em; font-weight: 300; } .address-row p a { color: #fd463e; } .address-row p a:hover{ color: #999; } .address h4 { font-size: 1.8em; color: #fd463e; margin-bottom: 0.6em; text-transform: uppercase; } .map iframe { width: 100%; min-height: 500px; border: none; margin-bottom: -.5em; } .map.agileits { padding-top: 25em; } .contact { position: relative; } /*-- //contact --*/ /*-- careers --*/ .careers h5 { font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: #fd463e; } .w3careers-row { margin-top: 2em; } .w3careers-grids h6 { font-size: 1.3em; color: #555; margin: 1.5em 0 .5em; font-family: "Yantramanav", sans-serif; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 4px; } /*-- //careers --*/ /*-- login --*/ .login-agileinfo { width: 45%; margin: 3.5em auto 1em; padding: 1em 3em 2.5em; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 14px 7px rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.5); } .agileits-top { padding: 0.5em 3em 3em; } .login-agileinfo input[type="text"], .login-agileinfo input[type="password"], .login-agileinfo input[type="email"] { font-size: 1.1em; color: #999; margin: 2em 0 0; width: 100%; display: block; padding: 0.7em; border:1px solid #999; -webkit-transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.64, 0.09, 0.08, 1); -moz-transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.64, 0.09, 0.08, 1); transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.64, 0.09, 0.08, 1); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 96%, #999 4%); background: -moz-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 96%, #999 4%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 96%, #999 4%); background-position: -800px 0; background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .agile-ltext:focus,.agile-ltext:valid { box-shadow: none; outline: none; background-position: 0 !important; } .agile-ltext:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder, .agile-ltext:valid::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #fd463e; 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